Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC Standard Terms and Conditions for Sales and Service

  1. CONTRACT– These terms and conditions, together with any other supplemental written terms we give you pertaining to your order or service agreement, form a contract between you, the buyer of certain equipment (including parts, other merchandise, and inclusive of single-use or disposable equipment), software license, and/or services (the “Buyer”), and us, the Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC entity identified on the quote, order acknowledgement, service agreement, invoice, or other order document we give you (“SST”). The rights and obligations identified in this contract apply to Buyer’s purchase of the equipment, software license, and services identified in the SST order document(s). If Buyer’s order includes software subject to an end user license agreement (“EULA”), the terms of the EULA also apply and have priority over these terms. Terms and conditions that are different or changed from these only apply when SST provides written notice or agreement. Terms or conditions included on Buyer’s forms, including Buyer’s standard terms and conditions of purchase and documents presented to SST’s field service representatives, are not part of this contract. Buyer’s receipt of equipment, software license, and/or services establishes its unqualified acceptance of these terms and conditions.
  2. GRANT OF LICENSE–SST grants Buyer a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable right to use the software ordered for Buyer’s internal purposes only. Buyer may not sell, reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any software it licenses from SST.
  3. QUOTATIONS, PUBLISHED PRICES, AND PRODUCT INFORMATION– Quotes and other offers of sale automatically expire 30 calendar days from the date issued unless otherwise stated, and unless SST withdraws the quote or offer earlier, which it may do any time prior to Buyer’s acceptance of the quote or offer. Quotes and offers relating to custom equipment or software may rely on certain information and circumstances, including information Buyer provides. If information or circumstances on which a quote or offer relies change, SST may adjust its quote or offer. Published prices are not offers to sell and may be changed without notice. SST may change equipment or software specifications without notice unless it agreed to the specification(s) in writing. Prices do not include any taxes, shipping, packaging, handling, insurance, duties, inspection fees, permit fees, installation, or other costs or services unless otherwise specified in the SST order documents. SST may choose to accept or reject any order; SST will indicate order acceptance: (a) with a written order confirmation; or (b) by executing the order. Specific product characteristics, including but not limited to product weight, dimensions, value, return on investment, load, tolerance, and other technical data are not guarantees of those characteristics and are provided for information only. Buyer is not permitted to disclose any quotes, prices, specifications, or product information out of the public domain to any third party without SST’s prior written consent.
  4. TAXES – If local law requires SST to collect any tax from Buyer it will be added to Buyer’s invoice and Buyer will be responsible to pay it, unless Buyer gives SST a valid tax exemption certificate. If an exemption certificate Buyer gives SST is later determined to be invalid, then Buyer will pay the previously unpaid tax.
  5. TERMS OF PAYMENT– Payment terms are stated on the SST order documents. If no payment terms are stated, payment is due net 30 calendar days from the date of invoice. Buyer may not retain any payment it owes SST under this contract, or otherwise set-off any amount it owes SST under this contract, for disputed claims.
  6. SHIPPING, HANDLING, AND DELIVERY – Shipping terms are stated on the SST order documents. If no shipping terms are stated, shipping is at the discretion of SST. Delivery and service dates are estimates unless SST expressly agrees in writing to a fixed date or schedule. SST will use commercially reasonable efforts to meet delivery and service date estimates. All delivery and service dates are conditioned on SST’s timely receipt of all necessary information and approvals. If Buyer causes a delay in delivery SST will store and handle all items at Buyer’s risk, and will invoice Buyer for the unpaid portion of the contract price, plus applicable storage, insurance, and handling charges. SST may make partial shipments. SST will not accept responsibility for any shortages or damages unless Buyer retains all shipping containers and packing materials for inspection.
  7. RETURNS – Equipment, or licenses on software, that is engineered, modified, customized, or configured especially for Buyer cannot be returned unless there is a valid warranty claim and the equipment or software cannot be repaired. Buyer cannot return equipment that is altered, damaged, used, or previously installed. Unless SST makes a shipping error or Buyer makes a valid warranty claim, unused off the shelf equipment may be returned only if Buyer contacts SST for approval and return instructions prior to returning anything. At its discretion, SST may charge Buyer the cost of shipping or a restocking fee for any return. Third-party products may be subject to their own terms and conditions. Any and all third-party products are subject to the terms and conditions of the original manufacturer/seller and SST disclaims all warranties for such included items.
  8. CANCELLATION– With SST’s written approval, Buyer may cancel its order prior to the shipment of equipment or software, or prior to the beginning of a service contract. SST may cancel Buyer’s order or require payment in advance if Buyer transfers assets for the benefit of its creditors, or if SST has reason to believe Buyer is unwilling or unable to perform its commitments. If Buyer cancels its order other than as permitted by this section, Buyer must pay SST all amounts due pursuant to the order. If Buyer’s order is cancelled for any reason Buyer will pay SST for reasonable costs and expenses (including engineering expenses and all commitments to SST’s suppliers and subcontractors) incurred prior to SST receiving notice of cancellation, plus SST’s usual rate of profit for similar work. The minimum cancellation charge is 15% of the price.
  9. CHANGES – Buyer may make changes to its order if SST consents in writing. To accommodate Buyer’s request for changes SST may change pricing and delivery schedules. If SST performed work or purchased materials in anticipation of Buyer’s order, and the change Buyer requests makes that work or materials unnecessary, Buyer is still responsible for paying for them.
  10. SECURITY INTEREST– Buyer grants SST a purchase money security interest in the equipment and software license it purchases, acknowledges the validity of this grant, and agrees not to challenge the legitimacy of this grant. Buyer will assist SST in taking all necessary actions to perfect and protect SST’s security interest. SST is entitled to any of the rights and remedies provided by law or in equity only if Buyer defaults on its obligations to SST.
  12. EQUIPMENT –SST warrants that under normal use: (i) its equipment, except for replacement parts, will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for one year from the date of original installation/use, or 18 months from the date it is shipped from SST, whichever occurs first; and (ii) replacement parts will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for 90 days from delivery. Should the defects described be found and reported during the term of the warranty, SST will, at its option, refund the purchase price, replace the equipment, or correct the defects by furnishing replacement parts. SST does not make any warranty to third-party equipment bundled or provided as part of its service.
  13. SOFTWARE –If it is properly installed according to specifications and system requirements, SST warrants the software it develops will perform substantially the functions described in the software documentation it provides or, in the absence of any software documentation, as otherwise agreed in writing. SST does not warrant that the software is error-free, that Buyer will be able to operate the software without interruption, that third party interfaces or systems connected to the software will operate without interruption, or that the software will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack. Absent a separate warranty SST communicates to Buyer in writing, the warranty period for equipment operating software is the same as the warranty period for the equipment it’s purchased with. The warranty period for any other software or software feature is 90 days from the date of delivery. SST’s warranty includes bug fixing, but excludes any new features. Except as may be agreed otherwise in writing, SST provides no warranty for software specifically developed, amended, or customized for Buyer. These warranties also apply to any new releases and service SST may deliver in the future.
  14. SERVICE – SST warrants that services will be performed in a workpersonlike manner in conformity with standard industry practice. Should any nonconformity be detected within 30 days after the work is completed and Buyer gives SST prompt written notification, SST will supply the necessary service, direction, or consultation to correct the nonconformity.
  15. GENERAL – The foregoing warranties are further subject to the following general conditions: (i) Consumables, accessories, normal wear and tear, wear parts, and perishables are expressly excluded. (ii) If Buyer requests warranty work during non-standard work times Buyer will be charged for premium time. (iii) These warranties do not apply where SST’s equipment and/or software has been subjected to: accident; alteration; misuse; abuse; failure by Buyer to ensure proper storage, operation and/or maintenance; installation or servicing by personnel SST doesn’t authorize; the addition or supply of equipment or software not approved for incorporation into SST equipment or software; environmental or operational conditions; software or interfacing Buyer or a third party provides; or any other causes for which SST is not responsible. (iv) SST does not warrant the calibration of any equipment, including third-party equipment. (v) Products of other manufacturers that SST sells are warranted by SST solely to the extent of any remaining warranty provided by the original manufacturer. (vi) If SST repairs equipment, such repair work will not extend existing nor generate new warranty coverage for the equipment as a whole or for those parts not repaired or replaced by SST. Unless Buyer gives SST written notice in advance, and SST agrees its warranty still applies, all warranties are void if product is moved outside the country SST delivered it to.
  16. METHODS OF CORRECTION OF DEFECTS DURING WARRANTY –SST may attempt to diagnose and resolve defects over the telephone or electronically. Certain equipment contains remote support capabilities for direct problem reporting, remote problem determination, and resolution. When Buyer contacts SST for warranty work, Buyer must follow the problem determination, resolution, and procedure that SST specifies. SST may require return of the part or equipment for service or to assist in problem determination. If Buyer gives SST notice of a defect and requests on-site work when the defect could have been remedied remotely, or if SST responds to Buyer’s notice of defect and no defect is found for which SST is liable, SST is entitled to compensation for any work performed and costs it incurred as a result of Buyer’s request. Failure to install and use available remote connectivity tools and equipment for direct problem reporting, remote problem determination, and resolution may result in increased response-time and additional costs to Buyer.
  17. REGULATORY LAWS AND OR STANDARDS –SST behaves in accordance with relevant laws. SST also takes reasonable steps to keep its equipment compliant with standards and regulations that may apply to Buyer’s use of SST’s products. However, SST’s equipment is utilized in many regulated applications and from time-to-time applicable standards and regulations are in conflict with each other. SST makes no promise or representation that its equipment will conform to any laws, regulations, codes, or standards, except as explicitly specified and agreed upon in writing by an authorized officer. Buyer is responsible for the correct installation and operation of the equipment in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. SST is not responsible and does not warrant the fitness of any third-party equipment either separately purchased by Buyer or included and bundled by SST.
  18. PRODUCT MANUALS –It is essential for Buyer to follow the installation information, product and system manuals, operating and safety instructions, and other documentation and specifications SST provides with the equipment; SST disclaims any liability, including warranty liability, if Buyer does not. Buyer is responsible for following the installation information, product and system manuals, operating and safety instructions, and other documentation and specifications for third-party equipment, if any, that is included by said third-party.
  19. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY –Unless SST expressly agrees in a writing to the contrary, SST does not transfer to Buyer any right of ownership in any patents, copyrights, trademarks, technologies, designs, specifications, drawings, or other intellectual property relating to the equipment, software, and/or services. Except as otherwise provided in an applicable EULA, the software license rights granted are non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, and limited to use for agreed purposes only.
  20. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES –IN NO EVENT WILL SST BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY TYPE OF SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARISE OUT OF OR ARE A RESULT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CONTRACT WOULD FAIL OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. Such damages include but are not limited to loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of the equipment or associated equipment and software, cost of substitute equipment or software, facilities, down time costs, increased construction costs, damage to reputation, loss of customers, or claims of Buyer’s customers or contractors or any other third party for such damages. Buyer may not transfer, assign, or lease the equipment or software sold or licensed under this contract to any third party without first securing from them the protection afforded to SST in this section.
  21. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY –SST is not liable for any loss, claim, expense, or damage caused by, contributed to, or arising out of the acts or omissions of Buyer or third parties, whether negligent or otherwise. In no event will SST’s aggregate liability for any and all types of damages or losses related to this contract or the equipment, software, or services sold, licensed, or delivered pursuant hereto exceed the cost of the item giving rise to the claim, whether based in contract, warranty, indemnity, or tort (including negligence). And any suit arising hereunder must be commenced within one year from the date on which the cause of action accrues.
  22. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR GRATUITOUS INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE –Except for fraudulent misrepresentations, SST is not responsible for any information, assistance, or advice given to Buyer if such information, assistance, or advice was not required by this contract.
  23. FORCE MAJEURE –Except for payments owed by Buyer, the period for performance of this contract will be reasonably extended if a party defaults or is delayed in performing their obligations under this contract, for reasons beyond their reasonable control. Strikes, insurrection, acts of God, war, terrorist activities, emergencies, shortages or unavailability of materials, weather, change in law, and other similar causes are among the reasons, but are not the only reasons, that are beyond a party’s reasonable control.
  24. EXPORT CONTROL –Buyer acknowledges that the equipment or software may include technologies and software that are subject to export control regulations in Europe, the United States of America, or other countries in which the equipment or software is delivered or used. Buyer is solely responsible for complying with these restrictions if it exports or re-exports the equipment or software. Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold SST harmless from any violation of export restrictions by Buyer or Buyer’s employees, consultants, agents, customers, or other affiliates.
  25. INTERPRETATION –If any of these terms and conditions conflicts with or is invalid under applicable law, these terms and conditions will be read as if such term or provision was not included. The invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision will be deemed automatically modified and, as so modified, included in these terms and conditions. Such modifications will be made to the minimum extent necessary to make the provision valid, legal, and enforceable. SST’s waiver or excuse of any noncompliance with these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver or excuse of any prior or subsequent noncompliance.
  26. GOVERNING LAW AND PLACE OF JURISDICTION –The performance of the parties to this contract, and the relationship between the parties, is subject to the applicable laws of the state of California, United States of America. The exclusive venue for claims arising under this contract is the San Diego Superior Court. However, SST reserves the right to initiate court proceedings against Buyer at any other court of competent jurisdiction. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is explicitly excluded.
  27. WEEE –When required by applicable law, SST will dispose of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) at Buyer’s costs.
  28. TRACEABILITY –Buyer acknowledges that SST is entitled to retrace or recall equipment, or take other corrective actions to the equipment. Buyer will actively support SST when this need arises. If Buyer resells equipment to a third party, it will be considered the distributor of the equipment under applicable laws and must assume all obligations relating thereto, including but not limited to the following: (i) keep all documents and information necessary to retrace or recall equipment sold to third parties for a minimum of 10 years; (ii) immediately inform SST of any complaints or adverse incidents related to the equipment, and promptly comply with all directions SST gives regarding the investigation or handling of the matter; and (iii) comply with all applicable storage and transportation duties.
  29. PERSONAL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION – Buyer agrees SST is entitled to use, process, and store, and allow a third party to use, process, and store on SST’s behalf, any data SST obtains under this contract, in accordance with relevant laws. Unless specifically agreed in the SST order documents, our sales and services to Buyer do not involve any processing by SST of personal data for or on behalf of Buyer. In the framework of our relationships with you, we may process limited personal data of some of your employees or contractors which we use in order to respond to your enquiries or requests, and to execute our contracts with you (e.g. to process & execute orders, process payments, arrange shipments and deliveries, and to provide repairs and support services). SST may use the contact details obtained from you in the context of your purchase of a product or a service for direct marketing of similar products or services.You may at any time request not to receive marketing communications by contacting us at For more information please see our Privacy Policy.


Version 1.0




Introduction and scope of policy

This Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC Digital Privacy and Cookies Policy (“Policy”) applies to your interaction with Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC (“Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC,” “SST,” “us,” or “our”):

(1) at any online or mobile site or application that SST owns and controls (“Site”), unless a different online and/or mobile or other privacy policy is posted relating to a particular site, application, product, or service, or is made available to you and by its terms supplants this Policy:

or (2) via a Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC advertisement, page, or account on a third-party site. SST may collect, retain, use, and disclose personal and other information about you in accordance with this Policy.

Other privacy policies may also apply in addition to the terms of this Policy. Additional privacy policies and notices: Certain additional Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC privacy-related policies and notices that may apply may be posted on a Privacy, Cookies, Security and Legal page. These notices include the Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (“CCPA Notice”), available at The CCPA Notice explains how SST collects, uses, and discloses personal information about California residents and how California residents can exercise their rights under the CCPA. The additional policies and notices also include the Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC’s Consumer Privacy Notice (PDF) (which applies to U.S. customers and consumers as described in that notice) and various international privacy policies (which apply to information collected by us outside of the U.S. as described in those policies). You may also receive an additional privacy notice in connection with your use of a particular product or relationship with a specific business. Please note that where SST has another type of presence on a site owned by a third party, such as a page or handle on a social media site, that third party’s privacy policy and terms of use will apply to the third party’s collection, use, and disclosure of data (rather than this Policy), unless specifically stated otherwise.

Agreement to policy

To the extent permitted by applicable law, by using a Site or interacting with an SST advertisement or page or account on a third-party site, you consent to this Policy, including your consent to our use and disclosure of information about you in the manner described in this Policy.

Collecting, using and disclosing information

Types of information: You may interact with SST in a variety of ways online, including through a mobile device. SST may offer sites or applications that permit browsing and do not require registration. SST may also offer the ability to enroll, register or access your accounts online. Information that SST may collect about you through online interaction includes information that you input, such as your name, address, email address, and other contact information; data resulting from your activity, such as transaction information and the pages you visit on Site; location information; and SST may also collect additional information, such as the type of device and browser you are using, the IP address of your device, information about your device’s operating system, and additional information associated with your device. SST may also collect information through cookies, tags, and other technologies, as described further below.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that your browser stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit a site. When you return to a site you have visited before, your browser gives this data back to the site to help it remember your preferences and personalize your experience; enhance site performance and security; and enable interest-based advertising. When you visit our Site, SST may use cookies or other similar technologies to collect information on our Site.

How SST uses cookies

SST uses cookies and information collected through their use to make your experience with Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC and certain other sites richer and more personalized based on the products, services, or other interactions you have with us and other sites. SST uses cookies, sometimes in conjunction with service providers, in online advertising either on our own Site or on third-party sites to help determine which of our advertisements are most likely to appeal to you. SST also uses cookies for purposes such as maintaining continuity during an online session, collecting data about the use of SST’s Site, monitoring online promotions, and anti-fraud and information security purposes. Other parties that may collect information about your SST browsing behavior when you use our Site are generally limited to service providers who may only use any information collected to provide services and marketing for us and not to provide services or advertising for any other party. Note, however, that SST also may provide certain links on our sites that allow you to interact with third parties who offer additional features, such as allowing surfers to share information on another platform, such as a social media platform. At other times, information from a third party may be embedded on our Site, such as a map. These features often function through the use of third-party cookies utilized by the third-party site, such as a social media platform. As a result, if you use any of these features, these third parties may be able to access information about your browsing on the pages of SST’s Site where links to these features are in place. You may wish to review information at third-party sites, such as social media platforms where you have an account, to determine how these third parties treat data that they obtain with the use of cookies. Industry standards are currently evolving, and SST may not separately respond to or take any action with respect to a “do not track” configuration set in your internet browser. Options to manage cookies and Ad Choices: If you receive an ad delivered on a third-party site in part based on information collected through the use of cookies, you may opt out of receiving such ads by visiting This opt-out works via cookies set on a particular browser, so if you delete cookies from a browser, you will need to opt out again on that browser. If you use multiple browsers or devices, information that SST collects about you from one particular browser or device may be used to provide advertising or collect information on another browser or device. Information may also be transferred to a third party for advertising or information collection on behalf of Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC. Please note that your choice to opt out on a particular browser or device will apply only to the collection and use of information from that particular browser or device. Opting out on a particular device will not opt you out of information collection on other devices, nor will it limit cross-device sharing on those other devices. If you use different browsers on a device or multiple devices, for each browser and device you wish to opt out, please opt out each device and browser separately. You may be able to set your browser to reject browser cookies. Moreover, if you choose to reject all cookies, you cannot access your accounts online with Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC. If you set your browser options to disallow cookies, you will limit the functionality SST can provide when you visit our Site. The latest versions of internet browsers provide cookie management tools, such as the ability to delete or reject cookies or only retain cookies for a specific browsing session. SST recommends that you refer to information supplied by browser providers for more specific information, including how to use these tools. Additional technologies SST may also use additional technologies such as pixel tags, Web beacons, SDKs, and clear GIFs, and may permit our third-party service providers to use these technologies. SST uses these technologies for purposes such as measuring the effectiveness of our advertisements or other communications, determining viewing and response rates, and determining which offers to present to you on our own or on third party sites. By using the Site, you consent to Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC’s use of analytics and monitoring tools to collect user interaction with our products. These interactions are collected using cookies and technical log files. SST uses the data for purposes that include interaction monitoring, customer service, product improvement, and other purposes allowed by law. The Site may also use “local shared objects” (also known as “Flash cookies”) stored in an Adobe folder on your device. Unlike browser cookies, Flash cookies are not stored in the browser and will not be deleted when you clear cookies from your browser. SST may use this technology for purposes such as information security. SST does not use this technology for online behavioral advertising purposes. You may be able to manage these Flash cookies by visiting the Adobe Website. Please refer to information provided by Adobe for information on how to disable and control Flash objects. If you choose those options, you may limit the functionality SST can provide when you visit our Site.

Using information

In addition to the uses described above, SST uses information for purposes as allowed by law such as: servicing; communicating with you; improving our Site, products, or services; legal compliance; risk control; information security; marketing or personalizing the presentation of our products and services to you; or tracking email access or Website usage, such as number of hits, pages visited, and the length of user sessions in order to evaluate the usefulness of our sites. Disclosing information: SST may disclose information to service providers with whom SST works, such as data processors and companies that help us market products and services to you. When permitted or required by law, SST may disclose information to additional third parties for purposes including response to legal process.

Children’s privacy

Our Sites are not directed to children under the age of 13, and SST does not knowingly collect personal information from such children.

Policy updates and effective date

SST reserves the right to modify this Privacy Statement in whole or in part at any time. The modified policy will be posted on this page with an updated effective date. If SST makes updates to this Policy, SST will update the Policy with the changes and revise the “date of most recent update” posted at the top of this Policy. Any updates to the Policy become effective when SST posts the updates on the Site. To the extent permitted by applicable law, your use of the Site following the update to the Policy means that you accept the updated Policy.


Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC California Consumer Privacy Act Notice

Effective: May 08, 2024

(Last updated: May 08, 2024)

This California Consumer Privacy Act Notice (“Notice”) is provided by Scaled Solutions Technologies LLC (“SST”).

This Notice explains how SST collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal information about California residents. The Notice also explains certain rights that California residents have under the California Consumer Privacy Act, as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (the “CCPA”).

The CCPA only applies to information about residents of California. If you are not a resident of California, you may submit a request and SST may process it, as described in this Notice, even though the CCPA does not require SST to do so. In accepting, processing, and responding to requests by individuals who are not California residents, SST will apply all the same limitations and exceptions under the CCPA to those requests as apply to requests made by California residents. SST reserves the right to change or stop the practice of accepting requests from U.S. individuals who are not California residents.

Under the CCPA, “personal information” is information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular California resident or household.  This information is referred to in this Notice as “Personal Data.”

Categories of Personal Data that SST Collects

SST collects Personal Data in a variety of contexts. For example, SST collects Personal Data to provide products and services.


The Personal Data that we collect about a specific California resident will depend on, for example, our relationship or interaction with that individual. During the past 12 months, SST has collected the following categories of Personal Data in the following table.


Purposes for Collection, Use and Disclosure Examples*
A.  Identifiers ·       A real name, postal address, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol (IP) address, email address, account name, or other similar identifiers

B. Personal information categories listed in the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ.

Code § 1798.80(e))

·       A real name, alias, employment address, email, and telephone number. Some personal information included in this category may overlap with other categories
C. Commercial information ·       Records of personal property, products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies

D. Internet or other similar network


·       Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction with a website, application, or advertisement
E. Geolocation data ·       Such as precise physical location or movements within 15 feet


*SST may not collect all items listed as examples in a particular category.

Why SST Collects Personal Data and How SST Uses and Discloses It

The purposes for which SST collects, uses, and discloses Personal Data depend on, among other things, SST’s relationship or interaction with a specific California resident. The table below lists the purposes for which SST collects, uses, and discloses Personal Data in different contexts.


Purposes for Collection, Use and Disclosure Examples*


Provide and manage products and services


·       Establish and process transactions for our products and services including inventory management, inventory data, inventory identification, and automatic ordering and fulfillment from third-party services

·       Support the ongoing management and maintenance of our products and services including to provide inventory management services, account notifications, automatic ordering and fulfilment

·       Obtain support for fulfilling the above purposes from third-party inventory providers and professional services and business partners

Support SST’s everyday operations

·       Perform inventory tasks, monitoring, and reporting

·       Enable the use of service providers for business purposes

·       Comply with laws, regulations, policies, procedures, and contractual obligations

·       Obtain support for fulfilling the above purposes from our third-party service providers, professional services and business partners, and financial institutions

Manage, improve, and develop SST’s business


·       Market, personalize, develop, and improve our products and services

·       Conduct research and analysis, including to drive product and services innovation

·       Support customer relationship management

·       Obtain support for fulfilling the above purposes from our third-party service providers, professional services and business partners, and financial institutions

Support employment, infrastructure, and human resource management


·       Manage and operate our facilities and infrastructure

Sensitive Personal Information as permitted by law


·       Perform services for SST’s business, provide goods or services as requested by individuals, and ensure security and integrity

·       Process and fulfill orders, maintain and service accounts, provide customer service, verify customer information, and process payments

·       Activities relating to quality and safety control or product improvement


*SST may not use information for all purposes listed in a particular category.


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